Palo Santo
Palo Santo, scientifically known as Bursera graveolens, is a tree native to Peru, in Spanish, palo santo means Holy Wood.
We offer sustainably sourced and ethically wildcrafted Palo Santo sticks from Peru. It's important to note that we never cut down live trees. Instead, we only utilize fallen trees and branches. These fallen parts must remain on the ground for a period of 4-10 years, allowing the sap to transform into crystals within the branches.
As Palo Santo burns, it releases aromatic smoke into the air, uplifting and pleasantly aromatic smoke enhances the vibration of the environment, it helps purifying, and clearing negative energies
| 產品特色 |
● 淨化個人及空間的負能量
● 緩和安撫煩躁不安的情緒
● 不含化學香精添加,成分100%天然
● 燃燒時間建議每次約30秒至1分鐘,一根聖木可重複使用多次
● 油脂多,味道較厚,獨特淡雅松香,甜韵尾韻,又稱「美洲沉香」
How to use:
1. Light the wood until it is burning at the end, then let it gently smoke.
2. Moving in circles around the space
3. Begin to move the smoke toward your body.
4. Place the stick in a heatproof dish to let it burn.
Each bundle contains approximately 70 grams.
Palo Santo can be burnt over and over again.